Restoration ●
Past Contests and Events
● Miscellaneous

Doll Restoration
The Doll
Restoration Flowchart
For those with a scientific bent, this page
presents a summary of the Doll Restoration Wizard. It's all "at a
glance" on one page with links directly to the appropriate articles
or pages in the Wizard. Once you've gone through the Wizard once or
twice, this flowchart is an easy way to run through the process and
jump right to the detailed articles and pictures you need. |
The Doll Restoration articles are listed here as well if
you know what you need and don't need to use the Wizard:
Anatomy 101 This is "prerequisite"
reading for the other articles here.
Body Swap ~
An Illustrated Guide
Do you have a soft-body doll with a body you don't like?
It's not difficult at all to improve the situation. The pictures and descriptions in this
illustrated guide will step
you through the process.
Vinyl Care ~ Stain Removal
If you have a doll with stubborn stains, this article will
explain how to safely remove them.
Restringing Your American Girl ~ An
Illustrated Guide ,
by Taffy Cheerful The limbs on
American Girl dolls and other "semi-strung" dolls are held into their
ball-and-socket joints by a length of elastic cord, a separate cord for each
Over time, the elastic cord will stretch, resulting in a loose joint and a
floppy limb. Fixing this problem is actually very simple and will take about
30 minutes. Use this illustrated guide to take care of the problem yourself
and save your doll from a trip to the doll hospital.
Advanced Hair Care
~ Shampooing, Conditioning, Steaming and Styling,
co-authored by Joy

Here is everything you need to know to make your doll's hair
look as close to "good as new" as it's going to get. On the left, you can
see Felicity getting a "Downy dunk".

Rewigging ~ An Illustrated Guide
This article is a How To guide with
step-by-step instructions and plenty of pictures. Do you have a doll who
needs a new look? This guide should make it less scary to do the deed.

Stain Removal from
Cloth Bodies, co-authored by Joy
This article will give you step-by-step instructions for
either hand washing or machine washing the body of a cloth-body doll. Not
for the squeamish!
Odor Removal
Do you have a stinky doll? Freshen her up with these tips.
Face Paint
Coming soon.

Past Contests and Events
JackieL was the lucky winner of Isabella and her
Yellow Splendor outfit from our first contest. Congratulations Jackie
and thanks again to Mihaela Hinkle, president of Carpatina Dolls, for
donating the prize. |
Make Your Own
And the Winner Is, BetsyD of Portland, OR!
Congratulations, your name was chosen as
the winner of the Make Your Own Magic contest! Betsy, who is
eight years old, submitted a wonderful
report of the Magic Attic Club book Princess Megan to have
her name entered into the drawing. Here you see Chloe packing up the Magic Attic trunk
with goodies to send to Betsy. It was great fun reading everyone's
ideas for new Magic Attic Club adventures! You can read them on
this page,
and I am still soliciting new stories. I will be sending the link to
Marian, LLC and who knows, we may inspire them to come out with some
exciting new adventures! |

Miscellaneous Articles
Confessions of a Dollaholic ~ Dealing With
a Large Doll Collection
Has your doll collection gotten out-of-control? Or do
you just want to keep it from getting that way? This article has suggestions
for recognizing and dealing with dolly clutter.

Dolls ~ Make New Friends It's
fun to make dolls from kits! This guide shows the progress of one doll from
a pile of parts to a lovely Native American girl, Little Doe.
1001Reasons to
Collect Dolls, by Bev Beese
for Your 18" Doll ~ A Doll's Best Friend
This cute
little fuzz ball is Coconut, from Pleasant Company's American Girl Today
collection. He's about 5" tall ~ just the right scale to be the faithful
companion of an American Girl doll or any other 18" doll. Do your girls
need some pets? You have lots of choices! Read about
them here. |
