Creative Doll ~ Creative Friends Collection, Ashley


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Ashley in Precious Party Dress

Ashley Close Up

Ashley Undressed, catalog photo

Ashley "Spring Flowers" dress pattern cover

Doll Line

Creative Friends Collection, Ashley



Creative Doll Co.

They were distributed by Clotilde and the website (which shut down in 2001).


Maryanne Oldenburg

Production Years

1996 - 2005



Body Type

Soft body w/ breastplate, articulated. Arms are strung, legs appear to be flange jointed.


Inset acrylic, painted lashes


High quality wig

Identifying Markings

"An original sculpture by Maryanne Oldenburg for Creative Doll Co, ©1996" incised on neck, body tag with toll free number that no longer works

Retail Price

$97 (finished), $69 (unfinished, you glue on wig)


Finished outfits, patterns and kits available. Also shoes, accessories and furniture.

Clothing Fit

Ashley has an "interesting" shape. Slimmer waist, hippier, narrower chest, smaller feet. Most American Girl dresses fit fine.

Dolls in Series

Just Ashley, but she is available in various hair/eye color combinations (blonde, brown, auburn hair and blue, brown or green eyes).




Clotilde used to have the dolls but they are sold out. Nana's Necessities has a lot of of the outfits, patterns and kits available. (She also has a eBay store under userid "nanasnecessities".)

For More Information



None known.


I really like the idea of Creative Doll. Instead of just buying clothes for your doll that are made in China, you create them yourself. Or, as the Creative Doll catalog suggests, you create them as a special project with your daughter or granddaughter. But the sewing challenged, like me, could buy some of the outfits ready made.

Ashley is a lovely doll. She has a bit of an odd shaped torso, but the breast plate is a nice feature that allows her to wear low necklines attractively. She has a pretty face and is very close to American Girl size so she can exchange clothing with them easily. The comparison pictures below show Ashley on the left and American Girl Felicity on the right.

Ashley and American Girl body comparison


The materials Ashley is made from are very nice, including her synthetic wig. Her face paint is very well done and there is blushing on her limbs as well. Ashley's arms are in a very ballet-like pose so she looks especially cute in dance clothes or holding something in her hand.


There is a "Dear Doll Enthusiast" letter on the inside cover of the Creative Doll catalog that is signed by Monica McAvoy and Bob Phillips. I have been unable to find out much about the company but the order form from this catalog has the same address as the Clotilde (rhymes with Matilda) company, but Clotilde says they were not affiliated.


Whether you sew or not, Ashley is a cute doll who is worth tracking down on the secondary market.


Click on the catalog cover below to see the contents of the 1998 Creative Doll catalog:


Text Copyright © 2004 Maria Greene All Rights Reserved

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This page was last updated 08/26/06