NotesThe Tollytots dolls are low-cost dolls but they have a
lot to offer. The Tolly Girls sold at Wal-Mart come in very simple
starter outfits and are only $10. The Girls On the Go are sold at Toys R
Us (not to be confused with an earlier version of Girls On the Go that
were made by Meritus). They come in more elaborate outfits and
include new face molds such as the beautiful Asian Kendra shown in the
purple snowsuit above. At $20, they're still quite reasonable. The
Disney's Favorite Girl, sold at the Disney store, are the latest version
and they also retail for $20. The Disney doll comes in an outfit with a
Disney princess theme.
Separate outfits are available for the dolls, as well as some
brightly painted furniture. The outfits are typical for the low-end doll
lines with plastic shoes and inexpensive fabrics, but some of them are
quite cute such as the cowgirl and snowboard outfit (complete with
snowboard) from the original Wal*Mart line.
The dolls are most comparable in quality to the
Our Generation dolls
distributed by Target. Like the Our Generation dolls, Tollytots are
considerably slimmer than the "standard" soft-body doll, American Girl.
Below you can see comparison pictures of a Girls On the Go Tollytot on
the left and American Girl Felicity on the right.